f3b 01 25

-3llo again, int3rn3t! my saturday was fairly un3v3ntful, and for th33 most part its just b33n m33 at hom33 workin on stuff and whatnot. i r3s3arch3d som33 for how to cod33 stuff in html, and you can s333 th33 r3sults of that activity for yourself, as w3ll as in th33 chang3log :33

i dont want to rig th33 poll or anything, but th33 combin3d natur33 of 253 cats will absolut3ly SW33P th33 floor with gcatavrosprit33. -33 -as n3xt to a 0% chanc33 to win. sp3akin of polls, th33 n3p3ta vs n3p3tasprit33 poll clos3d 3arlier, and n3p3ta 3nd3d up winnin with 86.3% out of th33 160 vot3s submitt3d (i vot3d for -3r, so im -appy that sh33 manag3d to trounc33 th33 comp3tition, 3v3n if said comp3tition is just h3r but prototyp3d into jak3s k3rn3lsprit33

also th33 tr33 is still up. w33 r3ally n33d to do som3thing with it i think

f3b 02 25

day 3 of -avin a n3ociti3s! i suppos33 ill g3t th33 tr33 qu3stion out of th33 way 3arly: w33 took a family photo infront and it will probably l3av33 tomorrow! finally :DD

w3ll b3sid3s th33 tr33 buisn3ss, i got to driv33 around som33 in my n3w car so i could g3t mor33 us3d to th33 controls

i l3arn3d about buttons today and was abl33 to mak33 my own! i know it probably looks SUP3R clunky but i lov33 it b3caus33 its of my own d3sign

sláin33 k33ps tryin to jump up infront of m33 whil33 im writin this so ill probably p3t -3r in a s3c

mom tak33 m33 -om33 im scar3d